8 Spanish Children’s Songs (Volume 1): Songs of Childhood

Type: Sound Books

Introduce your children to 8 classic Spanish songs with this interactive sound book. Featuring 8 sing-along songs easy for kids, lively melodies, and Latin music elements. Learn about Latin culture. Each song comes with English translations. Our professional singers know how to capture little children’s attention. Your little one will have endless fun! 

Song List 

  1. Sambalele (Sambalele)
  2. Tengo una muñeca (I Have a Doll)
  3. Cu cú cantaba la rana (Cu Cú Sang the Frog)
  4. Tengo una vaca lechera (I Have a Milk Cow)
  5. Un elefante se balanceaba (Balancing Elephants)
  6. Duérmete niño (Sleep Baby)
  7. Pin Pon (Pin Pon)
  8. Arrorró mi niño (To Sleep, My Child)